Sun setting behind a small tree, Oregon Coast. I’m grateful I get to see so many beautiful moments like this.
It’s Thanksgiving Day here in the United States. Whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving in your part of the world, I think there’s value in gratitude – to giving thanks for all the things we have to be grateful for. We really should do that every day, but it’s good to have that reminder once a year.
I certainly have a lot to be grateful for. I’m very thankful for my wonderful wife, Claudia, the best partner I could possibly have for all of life’s adventures. I’m thankful for our son and daughter-in-law, and all the other family members and friends who enrich my life in so many ways.
I’m grateful that I get to experience so much beauty in my life. Photography motivates me to go to the world’s most beautiful places at their most beautiful moments; what could be better than that?
And I’m always grateful for you, my blog readers. Thanks for encouraging me, supporting me, and for all the great ideas and insights you provide. I couldn’t do this without you!
Whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you all have a lot to be thankful for!
— Michael Frye
Michael Frye is a professional photographer specializing in landscapes and nature. He lives near Yosemite National Park in California, but travels extensively to photograph natural landscapes in the American West and throughout the world.
Michael uses light, weather, and design to make photographs that capture the mood of the landscape, and convey the beauty, power, and mystery of nature. His work has received numerous awards, including the North American Nature Photography Association’s 2023 award for Fine Art in Nature Photography. Michael’s photographs have appeared in publications around the world, and he’s the author and/or principal photographer of several books, including Digital Landscape Photography: In the Footsteps of Ansel Adams and the Great Masters, and The Photographer’s Guide to Yosemite.
Michael loves to share his knowledge of photography through articles, books, workshops, online courses, and his blog. He’s taught over 200 workshops focused on landscape photography, night photography, digital image processing, and printing.
A beautiful image to go with the thoughts.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you Doug! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. It was fun having Zach with us in Oregon!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Michael. Your photography adventures are exciting to see and read about, and are an inspiration to me to get out there and do more of the same. Looking forward to seeing more in the future.
Happy Thanksgiving to you Ted – I hope you had a good day! And thanks for the kind words.
Happy Thanksgiving Michael. I am thankful for the inspiration that you have given to all of us: the beautiful images, the thoughtful commentary and the insightful instruction the you share with this community.
Thanks so much Mark, and Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
Thanks, Michael! I’m grateful for all you and Claudia do for photographers like me. Thanks, so much, and Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks very much Bob, and Happy Thanksgiving to you too!