Frolicking Bison

Frolicking Bison

After our visit to the Tetons, Claudia and I spent a couple of days in Yellowstone before heading home. Since we were only there for two days, we didn't see the variety of animals we saw in the Tetons, but did get to watch a large bison herd with numerous young...

    Speed Up Your Lightroom Workflow
Free Lightroom Video: Six Develop Module Tips to Speed Up Your Workflow
I’ve been using Lightroom since Adobe released the beta version in 2006. Over the years I’ve learned many shortcuts, and in this video I share some of my favorite tips – things I use all the time to streamline my workflow:

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I've been working on my presentation The Magic of Moonlight for the Night Photo Summit next weekend. While going through some of my moonlit images from the past I found this set, all from the night of December 19th and 20th, 2015. Thinking about that night brings back...

Autumn in the Redwoods

Autumn in the Redwoods

We had a long, lingering autumn here on the west coast – especially in the Pacific Northwest. On our way up to Oregon in early November, Claudia and I stopped in some redwood groves to check on the fall color. And we found lots of it. It seemed like a good year for...

The latest update to my course Landscapes in Lightroom: The Essential Step-by-Step Guide is now available! This new edition is revised and updated for Lightroom Classic CC, and includes a brand new example where I take you step-by-step through processing a Milky Way photograph, plus six new videos about the Range Mask, the Profile Browser, fixing coma, removing color fringing around stars, and more.

Of course this new version still has all the features that made the first edition so popular. First, you can download the original Raw files used as examples in the ebook, and then follow along with each step yourself – just as if you were attending one of my workshops.

Second, when you purchase the ebook you get exclusive access to 17 videos demonstrating different aspects of Lightroom’s Develop Module, like using the Adjustment Brush, Spot Removal Tool, and Point Curve, advanced retouching in Lightroom, the HDR Merge, the Range Mask, and much more. It’s great to read about a tool or technique; it’s even better to watch a demonstration, and then try it yourself on the same image.

Learn more…

I’m absolutely loving everything about your book! It’s fantastic on all fronts.
And your videos are a gigantic bonus; extremely helpful. I love the clarity of your instructional style.

Chris Dierdorff

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you that I purchased your ebook and it is excellent. I’m an experienced LR user however I have learned a number of new things in your ebook. Your teaching style is excellent and your photography is outstanding. I would highly recommend this ebook to anyone looking to improve their image processing in LR.

Betty Wiley

I want to thank you for your “Landscapes in Lightroom″ ebook. I will mirror Scott Oberle’s comments about having watched lots of videos & instructions, including Adobe’s, on Lightroom. Previously, before your e-book, I felt like I was still stumbling around the Develop Module without understanding “what” I was trying to accomplish, but more importantly, the “why and how” I was doing something to the image. Your e-book made it very clear. I’ve gone from dreading post-processing to actually enjoying it, because now I evaluate an image, and THEN decide HOW I want to change it.

Bill Beckler

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